Allhallow-even "Eve of All Saints, last night of October" (1550s), the last night of the year in the old Celtic calendar, where it was Old Year's Night, a night for witches. A pagan holiday given a cursory baptism.

If you’re being silent about all the blatant hypocrisy in Christianity you are part of the problem, silence is compliance.


The Creator said NO images or idols yet Christians love Jesus and the pagan customs more than the Creator (ShaMuWTh 20:4 “Exodus”, LuWiYM 26:1 “Leviticus”, DaBaRiYM 4:16,23, 27:15 “Deuteronomy”, YaShAYaHuW 42:8 “Isaiah“).

Did you know that every English bible is a heavily, translated and extremely watered down westernized version of the melanated Middle Eastern Hebrew people's history and culture? If we aren’t willing to have an open mind, take an emotional step back, and look at the scriptures from the perspective of the Hebrew people, because of the conditioned western mindset the Hebrew script is vastly misinterpreted. This simple oversight has caused the masses to believe in false ideologies, false names, false images, false prophets, false symbols / customs, and unapproved ways of worshipping the Creator (traditions of men) that was NEVER commanded by the Heavenly Father and NEVER originated with His people (the Hebrews) of the bible. With this said, it’s NO secret that the New Testament has several profound contradictions to the Old Testament (roughly 400,000 scribal errors), and the religion of Christianity depends solely on the Old Testament.

Since we know the Ancient Hebrews in the Old Testament were NEVER commanded by YaHuWaH to have a religion or to worship the Creator by way of pagan customs / holidays, images of men, statues, symbols or idols in the likeness of anyone or anything. Deep unbiased research educates us with various overwhelming facts revealing that Christianity NEVER had a leg to stand on. Historical research uncovers that the pagan Roman Catholic Church birthed (at the Council of Nicaea) many various flavors of their solar / sun worshiping religion (Astrolatry, based on the movement of the sun and stars). With 200 Christian variants / denominations in the U.S. alone and a staggering 45,000 world wide, its no wonder why this very popular, enabling, emotion driven and truth compromising facet of their pagan religion still dominates today. This is why history records many other cultures having various God and or saviors / Christs that were also demigods (humans born from the conception of a God and a mortal), sound familiar (European Jesus). Talk is cheap and many Christians say they love and serve the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob but when put to the test they proudly reject YaHuWaH who is in FACT the ALuWaH of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (the Hebrews) of the bible.

For those who are NOT trying to live a QaDaSh (set apart) life according to the Hebraic script and unto the Creator this is NOT for you, but for those who are willing to give it ALL up for the Heavenly Father YaHuWaH (the true name of the Creator), this WILL hit home! People worship what they know not and end up worshiping the creation (traditions of men) over the Creator. So many people eagerly compromise what is right in the Creator’s eyes for temporal selfish gain or to please others on this earth.

YaHuWShuWA 24:14 “Joshua” Hebrew Bible

Here in the Hebrew Bible, we are instructed to serve YaHuWaH with undivided loyalty. However Christian theology (John 3:16) forces you to divide your loyalty and give the esteem/worship and loyalty to a salvific demigod FIRST before you get to the Heavenly Father. The Hebrew Bible instructs us to put away the gods that our forefathers served. In ancient times they were many false deities that were served as gods, and the Creator instructed against this practice. As we fast-forward to modern times, for us (WOTR) most of our forefathers were Christians and served the LORD (BaAL the SUN diety), god (GaD the Canaanite and Babylonian deity of fortune and good luck) and called on Jesus for salvation, however, the Hebrew Bible adamantly opposes this lifestyle (DaBaRiYM 17:3 “Deuteronomy”).

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Honestly, the subject or debate over who should take part in Halloween (or any pagan holiday) can really be determined in 5 minutes. It all depends if an individual is trying to live a lifestyle that’s pleasing unto YaHuWaH and in accordance with the Hebraic origins of the scriptures or to please themselves or others OVER the Creator’s desires (idol worship Romans 1:25). NOWHERE in the original Hebrew script is it recorded that Hebrew prophets of old (or even European Jesus of the New Testament) ever took part in Halloween. NOWHERE in the Hebrew Old Testament does YaHuWaH command His Hebrew people to take part in this wicked custom. After many years of dedicated unbiased research, the purpose of this information is to be a starting point or stepping stone for everyone beginning their journey down the path of truth. We DON’T claim to know everything but as we make time for YaHuWaH, we grow and will be guided by the Creator. Always do your OWN unbiased research and validate everything EVERYONE says. Deny the urge to react in emotion, but instead, challenge the truth by doing your OWN unbiased research and find out the FACTS for yourself. It’s ok to disagree with something, but using one’s opinion or emotion to dispute FACT is futile.

The same premises pertains to the ABaRiY (aka Hebrew) origins of the scriptures, and if you attempt to overstand Eastern Hebraic culture using our conditioned, Christian westernized mindset, most will lean toward their OWN understanding (or what we have been taught but by pastors who are unknowingly taught to withhold the pure truth) because it FEELS right to THEM (MaShaL 3:5-6 “Proverbs”)! When we fail to make time to learn the mind of ABa YaHuWaH (by way of humility, prayer, studying the pure Hebraic scriptural truth, and being willing to unlearn passed down lies) we can unknowingly blaspheme the truth and claim ALuWaH (the “Mighty one” but in English translated to the generic title “God”) is co-signing on OUR opinions and emotions. In regards to the Hebrew script, when someone’s opinion is backed by the word, it’s NO LONGER opinion but FACT! If YaHuWaH said it or did it, who are we to dispute it (YaShAYaHuW 55:8-13 “Isaiah”)? You have to use and explain scripture if you are disagreeing with YaHuWaH’s word and not opinion or emotion.

The scriptures are a Middle Eastern Hebraic book about THEIR culture (NOT European or Latin). Their story was then heavily translated by the pagan Roman Catholic Empire into what the world now knows as the bible. These disoriented alterations were done to fit THEIR pagan narrative and THEIR newly created organized religion called Christianity. These decreed pagan ideologies and traditions were then forced on various Roman conquered races establishing THEIR religion as a worldwide superpower. This perpetuated illusory truth effect subliminal brainwashing has ultimately deceived the whole world into falling in love with a lie (ChaZaN 12:9 “Revelation”). Just because people live in America and speak English (or live in any other part of the world and speak different languages) DOES NOT give people a right to discard, alter or disrespect a Hebraic nation’s original cultural history (or any cultural history at that).

This is why when you make time to do unbiased study and research on the bible, the FACTS reveal that several English words used throughout the bible have pagan connotations to various gods (theLORD, God, Christ, Jesus, glory just to name a few). This makes perfect sense since we know the Roman Catholic Empire was a polycystic nation. It DOESN’T take a quantum physicist to understand that when words (or names) are translated from one language to another, things get lost and things are added. The Scriptures have been translated (not transliterated which is the casing of sound) from the ABaRiY (aka Hebrew) language into English, thus the pure meaning behind the Hebrew words and names has been erased. This is a violation the scripture clearly warns against and rightfully so. Altering the history of a race of people now removes the truth and adds in lies (DaBaRiYM 4:2 and 12:32 "Deuteronomy", and ChaZaN 22:18-19 "Revelation").

The Hebrew script reminds us in MaShaL 4:7 (Proverbs) that we must FIRST get an understanding (make time to research both sides of any story) and that a fool has no interest in understanding; they only want to hear their own opinions come out of other peoples mouth (MaShaL 18:2-3 “Proverb”). The highest form of ignorance is rejecting or responding to information you have absolutely NO knowledge about while in emotion. We should always use wisdom on making quick emotional responses or decisions, and this also pertains to information that may seem unpopular to the masses or that you DON’T personally agree with (because a person hasten made time unbiasedly research).

Scriptures remind us that is it foolish to respond to a matter without FULLY hearing (MaShaL 18:12-15 “Proverbs”). Choosing to put a puzzle together without having all pieces would be unwise, why? Because it yields incorrect perceptions of what that puzzle is REALLY supposed to look like. DON’T let ignorance, jealousy, or pride be the death of your RuWaCh (spirit) because you chose to reject truth due to emotion or passed down traditions of men (the pagan Roman Catholic / Christian church system) by way of your fathers, fathers (who were also mislead). Our duty as the elect of YaHuWaH is to boldly share the truth, NOT make people believe it. We DON’T want you to think like us, we just want you to think!

Once we are given the truth do we then choose to validate the info and make the necessary changes, or continue having pleasure in OUR unrighteousness? Since we know the scriptures are a book about the Hebrew people, their culture, and their relationship with their god YaHuWaH, the FACTS prove that Halloween NEVER originated from the Hebrews. NOWHERE in the scriptures is the spirit of Halloween, and NEVER do we read where the Hebrews are instructed by YaHuWaH to take part in this pagan event.

- Spiritual Adultery -

We ALL have been conditioned by tradition and we often believe and do things that we don’t understand. Don't let your ignorance, arrogance, religion or traditions stop you from learning the truth! Its time people STOP cheating on the Heavenly Father and begin being faithful to him! All evil needs to prov-ail is for a good person to do nothing!

jut say no.jpg


"People DON'T want to hear the truth because they DON'T want their illusions destroyed"



For those who are NOT trying to live a set apart life unto the Creator, this will NOT pertain to you, but for those who are willing to give it ALL up
for the Heavenly Father (like we are instructed to do), this WILL hit home!


saved money with the truth.jpg



Martinmas, or the festival of St. Martin, is celebrated around November 11 in Waldorf schools with a nighttime lantern walk–often with songs followed by autumn treats. Unlike some folk saints, Martin was a historical personage. He was born the son of Pagan Roman parents in 316 C.E. in the province of Pannonia, modern-day Hungary. His father served as a tribute in the Roman army under Emperor Julian, and thus it would have been expected for Martin to follow suit. Like Halloween, Martinmas is rooted in Christian ritual but is now more of a cultural event, anticipated by children in many European countries. The essence of the holiday—marking the end of the fall harvest and the advent of snowy weather—reminds us that through all of life’s outward changes we maintain within us the warm light of our spirit. Martinmas dates back to the Middle Ages and the veneration of St. Martin, a 4th-century bishop who founded an abbey in Tours, France. Martin was a Roman horse soldier who converted to Christianity; according to legend, one wintry day he encountered a shivering beggar and cut his cloak in half to give the poor man warmth. That night, Martin had a vision of Jesus wearing Martin’s divided red cloak.


Martin is now the patron saint of tailors, as well as that of France. Today in many European countries, the Martinmas festival culminates in a lantern walk at night, followed by a bonfire (origin bonefires) and songs. Traditionally the lanterns were carved out of newly harvested squash gourds, and illuminated with a candle—the origin of the American jack-o-lantern—but can also be made of paper or jars. The lanterns and the bonfire symbolize light in the darkness of winter, and give hope to the poor through the good deeds of St. Martin. In the wine-producing regions of Germany Martinmas was the day for the first drinking of the new wine, and the feasting in general on his day gave the saint the reputation of a guzzler and a glutton; it even became customary to speak of a person who had squandered his substance in riotous living as a Martinsmann. {74}

From a child’s point of view, the best part of Martinmas may be the sweet treats at the end of a lantern walk. In some countries, children go from house to house with their lanterns, “begging” for treats—certainly the origin of our modern Halloween ritual.

Word Origin


We know in the ABaRiY language the name Martin is מרדכי (H4782) MaRDaKiY (little man / worshipper of Mars / planet worship or Astrolary). In the Jewish community Martin or Martinez is a variation of the Hebrew name Mordecai. Mars’s festivals at Rome occurred in the spring and the fall—the beginning and the end of both the agricultural and the military seasons. A two-horse chariot race was held in the Campus Martius, and marked the purification of the arms of war and their storage for the winter.

Under Augustus the worship of Mars at Rome gained a new impetus; not only was he traditional guardian of the military affairs of the Roman state but, as Mars Ultor (“Mars the Avenger”), he became the personal guardian of the emperor in his role as avenger of Caesar. His worship at times rivaled that of Capitoline Jupiter, and about AD 250 Mars became the most prominent of the di militares (“military gods”) worshiped by the Roman legions. In literature and art he is hardly distinguished from the Greek Ares.


This holiday feast-day originated in France (early 12c) from the Roman Catholics, and is yet another tradition that does NOT originate from the melanated Hebrew people of the scriptures. The pagan ritual of lantern lighting has been adopted by obviously Christians (a pagan religion), and various cultures/races. In several cultures (and again NOT Hebrew) lantern lighting is considered good luck to release a sky lantern, and many Thai people believe they are symbolic of problems and worries floating away. We who are in truth and love YaHuWaH have no desire for good luck or to put faith (trust) in luck. We reverence and serve YaHuWaH simply because we love the Creator and NOT for the material, financial, or relationship BaRuWKs he may decide to give us. Now that we know the truth, and claim to follow the truth, if it’s NOT in scripture YaHuWaHs elect should not take part in it.

Click on the image to learn more about the pagan tradition of lantern lighting, which origin includes saints and false deity worship.



"I'm glad that Christian parents let their children worship the devil at least one night out of the year."

 ~ Anton LaVey, Founder of the Church of Satan 1966


“If you're going to be a sinner, be the best sinner on the block.”

~ Anton LaVey, Founder of the Church of Satan 1966

Word Origins

halloween_ety origins.jpg


This is one pagan Holiday almost EVERYONE (Christians included) know is deeply rooted in evil and satanic paganism, yet churches and Christians ALL over the globe care less. Historical study and research prove over and over again that "Samhain" or "Sow-in" (the name changed over the years to Halloween) is as pagan and satanic as it gets! Families take trips to haunted houses, Disneyland's themed Halloween park, creepy corn mazes, and churches truck on treat celebrations, all in the name of FUN. What good is it to compromise the truth and obedience of YaHuWaH's word to take part in sin for a season? For those who love the Creator with all their heart and are living the set-apart life, let us proudly declare to the world that we WILL NOT commit spiritual adultery against the Creator YaHuWaH, why? Simply because we truly love Him!

Historical research proves that on Halloween evening Satanists celebrate the birth of Ha’SaTaN (which in Hebrew, means the adversary). Sadly on this wicked evening, Christian families around the world invite the spirit of Satan into their cities, their neighborhoods, their pagan parties with friends and strangers, their front lawns, their front doors, IN their homes, and even into their children and themselves. The children dress up (along with the adults because they loved the lie first) for this sadistic day (Satan's birthday party) to be someone they unknowingly really ARE! Each year on Halloween people (Christians included) spend hundreds of dollars to create elaborate decorations for this wicked celebration, and NOT only to out due to their neighbors but to coumarate this wicked custom and to satisfy THEIR fleshly desires (as well as others).

Furthermore, each year people practice and reinforce learned behaviors for children and families to continue the cycle of sin for every generation.
The evil travels door to door, and community to community, all over the city, spreading its reinforcements of vain traditions, like a contagion with the agenda of snuffing out the light inside the people, due to their ignorance, willful or otherwise.


DaBaRiYM 12:3-4 “Deuteronomy”

3 And ye shall overthrow their altars, and break their pillars, and burn their groves (due to tree worship) with fire; and ye shall hew down the graven images of their ALuWHiYM's, and destroy the NAMES of them out of that place. 

4 Ye shall NOT do so unto YHWH your ALuWaH.


DaBaRiYM 4:2

2 Ye shall NOT add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of YHWH your ALuWaH which I command you.


DaBaRiYM 12:31

31 Thou shalt NOT do so unto YHWH thy ALuWaH: for every abomination to YHWH, which he hateth, have they done unto their ALuWHiYM's; for even their sons and their daughters they have burnt in the fire to their ALuWHiYM's.


MaShaL 30:5-6 “Proverbs”

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.



All of us in the truth would like for ANYONE to please show us in scripture (Chapter and verse) where it says "Its ALL ABOUT our heart!"


Established in 1972, the National Criminal Justice Reference Service (NCJRS) is a federally funded resource offering justice and drug-related information to support research, policy, and program development worldwide. NCJRS services and resources are available to anyone interested in crime, victim assistance, and public safety including policymakers, practitioners, researchers, educators, community leaders, and the general public. NCJRS hosts one of the largest criminal and juvenile justice libraries and databases in the world, the NCJRS Abstracts Database. The collection, with holdings from the early 1970s to the present, contains more than 210,000 publications, reports, articles, and audiovisual products from the United States and around the world. These resources include Federal, state, and local government reports, books, research reports, journal articles, and unpublished research. On their website you will find a document that shows just how important Samhain or Halloween is to Santanic cults.

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On page 17 of the santanic document you will find that Samhain or Halloween is the first highest Santaic holiday.

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Furthermore on page 26 is goes on to tell us what type of sacrificial ceremonies are to take place on Oct 31. Very interesting that if a male is to be sacrificed, that male should be blonde and have blue eyes.

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Unbiased historical research teaches us that santanism goes all the way back to the ancient days. Even the so-called “early” Christians did not celebrate birthdays nor did the early Jews. Scripture bears record that the Hebrew people never celebrated Samhain/Halloween. Etymology educates us in that this holiday originated with the Europeans and NOT with the Hebrew people. This government document is more proof that Halloween’s origins are NOT about the modern-day candy collecting and costume-wearing celebration, but of blood sacrifices, occult rituals, and communication with the dead or necromancing. Just know that when the Halloween season comes around, and the masses are proudly decorating their homes with symbolic cult images/objects, passing out candies, ushering in demonic spirits, and giving credence to this satanic day, animals, children, and adults are being killed all in the name of the devil! Even the Christian New Testament warns against these wicked acts.

Romans 12:1-3

1 beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of ALuWaH, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto ALuWaH, which is your reasonable service.

And be NOT CONFORMED to this world: but be ye TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of ALuWaH.

For I say, through the grace given unto me, to every man that is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think; but to think soberly, according as ALuWaH hath dealt to every man the measure of faith.

The Humane Society encourages owners to keep their black cats inside on Halloween

“Click on image for full story”


World Book Encyclopedia Britannica 1917

Halloween (contraction of All Hallows’ Eve) is a holiday observed on October 31, the evening before All Saints (or All Hallows’) Day. The celebration marks the day before the Western, pagan Christian feast of All Saints and initiates the season of "All hallow tide", which lasts three days and concludes with ALL SOUL'S DAY. In much of Europe and most of North America, observance of Halloween is largely non-religious. Halloween had its origins in the festival of Samhain among the Celts of ancient Britain and Ireland. On the day corresponding to November 1 on contemporary calendars, the new year was believed to begin. Halloween had its origins in the festival of Samhain among the Celts of ancient Britain and Ireland. 

Some of the events on and before Halloween include child/adult kidnapping, sadistic sacrifices of adults/children, animal sacrifices (dogs and cats go missing), and portal opening activities. In addition, Halloween perpetuates an identity crisis in both children and adults, which is the goal of Halloween, according to the ex-satanist. Halloween further opens doors for spiritual possessions and includes activities for the express purpose of conjuring up spirits. Witches and Satanists are in full operation on this night, and in the time leading up to this event.  Wiccans even curse the candy at the stores, which will be then purchased and given out on the satanic days leading up to and on Halloween. Ultimately, Halloween esteems death and false deity pagan worship, elevating those things above the worship of YaHuWaH, but Christians justify their sin because for them it’s ALL about THEIR wants, THEIR fun, and NOT hurting their kid’s feelings.

A real Samhain Spiral Labyrinth Ritual unto the Dead


Family Harvest Fest, Hallelujah Night, and Trunk or Treat is the way today's CHURCHES try to put new wine in an old tainted corrupted wine sack. The level of compromise between pastors and the flock that sits under them in these modern-day churches is shameful and pitiful unto YaHuWaH. Churches and pastors will NEVER tell you that taking part in pagan holidays is cheating on YaHuWaH with Ha’SaTaN and that the Creator HATES IT! WHY won’t the pastor tell you it’s wrong? Because 1) pastors are more concerned about getting butts in church seats than putting souls in ShaMaH (heaven),  2) big holiday events like Halloween draws HUGE crowds which ensure HUGE money offerings, and 3) the pastor and their churchgoers are pagan lovers and DON'T even know it!  

 NEVER in scripture do we read where the ancient Hebrews take part in ANY pagan traditions! NEVER do we read where the HEBREWS gave honor to the dead, painted skulls on their face, dressed up like creatures, decorated their homes inside / out with demonic items/symbols/images/objects that represented death, and took part in the ritualistic pagan customs (as true witches do). THESE are customs that the YaHuWaH fearing Hebrews of old NEVER did, nor did they originate with the Hebrews. NEVER do we read where Hebrews dressed up as demons, or killers, wore cult crosses around their necks, and willfully walked through haunted/possessed pagan temples for fun tempting evil spirits. Where do we EVER read where they took the Hebrew children from hut to hut or village to village for fruits and nuts. YaHuWaH commands His people to honor and worship Him by way of RuWaCh and TRUTH and NOT by our physical flesh and in a LIES. We are NOT to worship Him the same way the pagan heathens worshiped their false gods! We have said it many times before and will mention it again, the reason 10 out of the 12 tribes of Israel were DIVORCED from YaHuWaH is that they willingly chose to disobey and take part in pagan traditions EVEN after knowing what they were doing was unacceptable in YaHuWaHs eyes (DaBaRiYM 12:4 and 31, 18:9-12 “Deuteronomy”, AMuWS 5:20-27 “Amos” and YaShAYaHuW 1:12-31 "Isaiah")!

Kids taking part in the pagan tradition of Halloween thus putting them in spiritual disobedience unknowingly


If your spouse continues to cheat on you, week after week, there comes a point where you realize that "TO THEM" your relationship is NO LONGER important or a priority. This is the same way YaHuWaH felt after giving Israel a very long season of grace to repent, but Israel LOVED the disobedient pagan lifestyle MORE than what YaHuWaH wanted. At that point, YaHuWaH had NO other choice BUT to DIVORCE 10 out of the 12 tribes of Israel for their adulterous, pagan, disobedient ways. We know many people DON'T celebrate the pagan holidays because of ALL its evil, vile, blood sacrificial, and sadistic origins but the truth is, NO MATTER how someone tries to justify it, YaHuWaH will ALWAYS see ANYONE who takes part in pagan holidays (in ANY shape form or fashion) as someone who is committing spiritual adultery against him! Sadly parents ALL over the globe who take part in this satanic event, are teaching their kids that cheating on the Heavenly Father with the devil is perfectly OK, because why THEY are proudly doing it! What people NEED to realize is that NO MATTER THEIR reason for why they take part in Halloween, their opinion DOESN'T matter to YaHuWaH. This is about HIS heart, HIS wants, and NOT theirs. People have the right to choose whatever lifestyle they want in this wicked world but one thing is for certain, EVERYONE has a date with death and they WILL have to take an account before the king for what they did on earth!

Where is the transformation? 

Sadly, most (if not all) Churches will be doing the same thing as the world on October 31. Their Christian New Testament tells them in Romans 12:1-2 that they are NOT to conform to the pattern of this world but to be transformed by the renewing of our minds. Christian minds aren’t being renewed because the Babylonian Church WONT teach scripture from its pure Hebraic source. If we attempt to read or teach the Eastern Hebraic cultured scriptures from our westernized Christian conditioned mindset, WE WILL misinterpret what YaHuWaH is truly trying to convey. Now that the truth is out once again, we must begin to renew our minds daily and unlearn the centuries of lies we where all taught (conditioned by tradition)! YaHuWaH commands His people to be set apart from pagan traditions, SO STOP JUSTIFYING REASONS TO DO IT! Your pastor, family or friends DO NOT have an everlasting afterlife however YaHuWaH does! The problem is that churches and pastors have conditioned the people to NO LONGER fear YaHuWaH!


Christian Trunk or Treat bags from a Mega church


You CAN'T Christianize something that is already Christian, because Christianity at its core is a PAGAN religion so nothing has changed! The Babylonian CHRISTIAN harlot churches call it "Hallelujah Night" but remember there was NO LETTER "J" in the original Paleo Hebrew language. The correct Hebrew saying would be "HaLaL (H1984) -YaH" and "YaH" on the end is short for "YaHuWaH" the Creator. SO "Hallelujah" in Hebrew is really "HaLaL-YaH" which means to praise, give esteem, boast and celebrate YaHuWaH! We BOLDLY say that the majority of Christian churches on October 31 will NOT be praising or giving esteem to YaHuWaH off of their lips on HELL night! Let this be a WARNING to ALL who take part in the mockery of "Hallelujah Night" or any pagan tradition of Halloween, YOU WILL be held accountable at the highest level and your kids WILL suffer for your disobedience!


Strong's Concordance

HaLaL - H1984 - הלל

Phonetic Spelling: (haw-lal')

Transliteration: halal  

Definition: praise, give glory, to boast, celebrate


JaH - H3050 - יה (in Hebrew the letters "יה" to English is "HY" or "YaH")

Phonetic Spelling: yä

Transliteration: Yahh   

Root word H3068

DON'T take our word for it, look at scripture and see what YaHuWaH himself thinks about taking part in pagan worship! The children of Israel did the same things in ancient times that the churches are doing today and look what happened to them. Israel committed spiritual adultery against YaHuWaH and 10 out of the 12 tribes got divorced! DO your own research and do your own study, YOUR eternal SOUL depends on it!


Lutheran Church's annual trunk-or-treat event


The whore church DOESN’T want you to sit down with your family on Oct 31 and play the videos below, NO INSTEAD they want you to stay ignorant, stay distracted, and give honor to the adversary on THEIR hell night along with the rest of the masses of THIS world. Even modern-day Christians know that when it comes to the pagan celebrations, Halloween is the most wicked of all. Due to passed down traditions of compromise and hypocrisy, once again the masses turn a blind eye to the truth and take part in this hellish holiday. Sadly, Christianity has become a religion for the masses simply because standards of living a QaDaSH (set apart) life unto the Heavenly Father as he would have us do, is NOT a standard set by the pastors and leaders of religious congregations. There is no true call to repentance and change to one's worldly lifestyle for YaHuWaH because there is no real fear of condemnation for one’s lifestyle of disobedience. Christianity has become all about “happy vibes all the time", and a hip, fun place with no actual accountability.

There is no real power to stand for and to be bold for the truth of the Hebraic scriptures. As we move into the fall season, once again pastors and Christians are promoting the Samhain (aka Halloween) holiday when it has nothing to do with the Hebraic savior of the scriptures. Additionally, the scriptures are very clear that we are not to ADD or REMOVE from the word, yet those that say they follow scripture ADD in the celebration of this wicked Helli-day and REMOVE the truth (DaBaRiYM 4:2, 12:32 "Deuteronomy" and MaShaL 30:5-6 “Proverbs”). Most Christians use Halloween as a time to justify being or portraying evil or to wear scandalous clothes they otherwise would never wear openly. We who are in the truth refuse to continue following the lies and deceptions of our forefathers and are standing for the true Hebraic origins of the word.


Here in America, everyone has the right to choose whatever they want to believe, so we choose to set aside childhood emotional attachments, research the unbiased facts, and boldly stand for what is right and true. YaHuWaH is seeking those who worship Him in truth and NOT in our flesh and a lie. This is exactly what YaHuWaH's elect choose to do, for scripture bares record that ancient Hebrew prophets of old NEVER took part in any wicked pagan helli-day that's origins are rooted in disobedience and that gives worship and reference to false deities (ShaMuWTh 20:3-5 "Exodus"). Scripture reminds us that we are commanded to love YaHuWaH with undivided loyalty, so what are we putting first our fleshly desires or our love and obedience unto the Creator ABa YaHuWaH ALuWaH (YaHuWShuWA 24:14 “Joshua”)? We cannot serve two masters, so choose ye this day who you will serve (YaHuWShuWA 24:14-15 "Joshua").

These are FACTS:

1- NEVER once in scripture are we commanded by YaHuWaH to celebrate Halloween or ANY of the various pagan holidays or deities of the heathen nations.

2- We are commanded by the Creator YaHuWaH, NOT to add or remove from His word, so if its NOT in scripture we shouldn’t be adding things in to please our fleshly desires, especially when its comes to spiritual adultery (via pagan worship).

3- YaHuWaH is a jealous ALuWaH and He HATES pagan worship because it is spiritual adultery against him.

4- After several seasons of grace, YaHuWaH finally divorced 10 out of the 12 tribes of YiSRAL (Israel) because of their pagan idol worship/holidays which is spiritual adultery.

5- NEVER in scripture does YaHuWaH give any man, women or group of people the authority to change (add or remove) His word.

DaBaRiYM 4:2 “Deuteronomy”

2 Ye shall not add unto the word which I command you, neither shall ye diminish ought from it, that ye may keep the commandments of YaHuWaH your ALuWaH which I command you.

DaBaRiYM 12:32

32 What thing soever I command you, observe to do it: thou shalt not add thereto, nor diminish from it.

MaShaL 30:5-6 “Proverbs”

Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

Add thou not unto his words, lest he reprove thee, and thou be found a liar.


Halloween, as it is celebrated today, has complex origins with connections to various historical and cultural traditions, including pagan elements. Here are some lesser-known facts about Halloween and its potential connections to pagan worship, along with scholarly resources for further exploration:

  1. Origins in Samhain: Halloween has been linked to the ancient Celtic festival of Samhain, which marked the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter. Samhain was a time when the boundary between the living and the dead was believed to be blurred, and people would light bonfires and wear costumes to ward off malevolent spirits.

  2. Christianization of Samhain: As Christianity spread into Celtic regions, the church attempted to Christianize Samhain by associating it with the Christian feast of All Saints' Day (also known as All Hallows' Day), which falls on November 1st. The evening before All Saints' Day came to be known as All Hallows' Eve, later shortened to Halloween.

  3. Cultural Influences: Halloween has been influenced by various cultural and religious traditions over time, including Roman and Christian festivals, medieval customs, and folklore. Elements such as trick-or-treating, jack-o'-lanterns, and costumes have evolved from a combination of these influences.

  4. Pagan Symbols: Some symbols associated with Halloween, such as witches, black cats, and bats, have pagan origins and were believed to have magical or supernatural significance in ancient cultures. These symbols have been incorporated into Halloween traditions over centuries.

  5. Modern Celebrations: Halloween has evolved into a secular holiday characterized by activities such as costume parties, haunted attractions, and community events. While it retains some elements with pagan roots, its religious significance has diminished in modern times.

For further exploration of Halloween and its connections to pagan worship, consider consulting the following scholarly resources:

  • "Halloween: From Pagan Ritual to Party Night" by Nicholas Rogers: This book provides a comprehensive overview of the history and cultural significance of Halloween, tracing its origins from ancient pagan festivals to modern-day celebrations.

  • "The Stations of the Sun: A History of the Ritual Year in Britain" by Ronald Hutton: This scholarly work explores the cultural and religious significance of seasonal festivals in Britain, including Halloween and its connections to ancient pagan traditions.

  • Academic journals such as "Folklore" and "The Journal of American Folklore" may also contain articles and research papers on Halloween and its historical origins, as well as its relationship to pagan worship.

These resources offer valuable insights into the historical context and cultural significance of Halloween and its potential connections to pagan traditions and worship.


WOTR Pagan Holidays Halloween



History Channels "The Real Story of Halloween" (Full Documentary)


The Origins of Halloween

We DON'T support or follow the "Back to Torah" movement, but in this particular video regarding "The Origins of Halloween", according to scripture, Mark is on point!


Keep on Celebrating Halloween America

YaHuWChaNaN 8:47 "John"

47 He that is of YHWH heareth YHWH's words: ye therefore hear them not, because ye are not of YHWH


It’a NOT All Happy

Against popular belief, the Helidays are NOT all happy for a lot of people. Just because the masses over promote this temporal false sense of joy and peace, does NOT mean it is true! We who are in the truth have NO desire to take part in a counterfeit, why? Because we have the real thing that yielded REAL change, that lasts ALL year round the ShaLuWM of YaHuWaH.


Where did Halloween come from?


The Secret History of Halloween Revealed


Halloween "Spiritual Adultery" WOTR FaceBook Post


Pagan Holidays EXPOSED

Unlearn, Deprogram and Re-think EVERYTHING you were taught!


Once YaHuWaH’s truth is shared in love with someone the Creator hopes they will make an immediate lifestyle change. If that person TRULY loves the Creator, they will make time to validate all His commands against ANY words of those who contradict HIS (NOT make excuses as to how the Creator’s words go against THEIR lifestyle and biblical/scriptural beliefs).

 BaT DaBaR 7:14 “2 Chronicles” Hebrew Bible

14 When my people, who bear MY NAME humble themselves, pray, and seek my favor and TURN from their evil ways; I will hear in my heavenly abode, and FORGIVE their sins, and will heal their land.

 MaChiYaHuW 6:8 “Micah”

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth YaHuWaH require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy ALuWaH?

ZaMaR 119:10-11 “Psalm”

10 With my whole heart have I sought thee: O let me not wander from thy commandments.

11 Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.